Back to School Advertising / Retro Ad of the Week: The Parker 45 Fountain Pen, 1967

It’s that time of year again, time for lunch boxes, report cards, and back to school advertising. This ad from 1967 boasts an amazing discovery in the world of school and office supplies: the Fountain Pen. Even though Parker has been making quality writing utensils since 1888, they considered their Fountain Pen to be a revolutionary vehicle for self-expression.

With “no moving parts” and an “incredibly smooth pen point,” The Parker 45 was probably a hot back to school item in ’67. While you can still purchase Parker Fountain pens, we’re going to guess that these were probably not on your children’s list for back to school shopping. Unless of course they’ve started making an iPen.

Fun Fact: Whether you prefer to take notes in pen or type away on your laptop, there’s no denying that back to school shopping is moving in the digital direction. determined that approximately 48% of consumers start shopping online for supplies three to four weeks prior to the first day of school.