Automobile Advertising / Retro Ad of the Week: BMW, 1971

Holding a consumer’s gaze for more than a few fleeting seconds? A challenge. Getting them to read the entirety of your text-heavy ad? Near impossible. Except when it comes to your exclusive dreikugelwirbelwannenbrennraum. Now you have my attention (even if the creative doesn’t).

BMW famously used bold, often suggestive headlines in its automobile advertising to stop consumers dead in their tracks. After all, how can you tear your eyes away without finding out what the heck a dreikugelwirbelwannenbrennraum is? (Hint: it’s much less fun to (try to) pronounce.)


FUN FACT: Between 2010 and 2012, BMW departed from its 40-year running “Ultimate Driving Machine” campaign to try to grow its female audience. The bland “Joy” campaign was short-lived, and the brand’s recognizable tagline soon returned. (Source: Forbes)