Another Tribute to Mad Men: Retro Ads – The Playboy Pipe, 1968

Our favorite time of year has arrived – the time when Sunday nights are filled with alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and drama (at least on our TV screens). The “last season” of Mad Men begins this coming Sunday. The show’s creator, Matthew Weiner, is ambiguous about which specific year the episodes will be set in, but he has said it will be in the 60s, so we’re assuming it’s going to be either 1968 or 1969. Either way, we’ll be posting ads from this period throughout the weekend. Enjoy, and may your Sunday nights be filled with visions of Don Draper (or Betty, or Roger, or whoever suits your fancy). To see last year’s tribute, featuring retro alcohol and cigarette advertising, click here.

retro playboy ad - 1968

Source: “Found in Mom’s Basement”