5 Essential Retro Christmas Gifts of the 1940’s, 50’s, and 60’s

As you’re off and running to return all the presents you didn’t want this year, take a look at these retro Christmas gifts, which suburban husbands, wives, and children of the post-war boom absolutely HAD TO HAVE. No returns necessary.

1. Appliances

retro christmas gifts

The middle of the 20th century wasn’t exactly the height of feminine empowerment or political correctness. At least this Dormeyer ad made things convenient for wives; all they had to do was circle which appliance they wanted, because why would they want anything else? I mean, I’d totally cry if my husband didn’t get me that glorious toaster I had my eye on.

But don’t weep for long ladies, thanks to Greenland Studies you can wake up to this delicious aroma in your face…

2. Whiskey Toothpaste

retro christmas gifts

Apparently Ke$ha isn’t the first person to brush her teeth with a bottle of Jack. This “ultimate he-man toothpaste” was the perfect stocking-stuffer for the manliest of husbands, along with our next healthy holiday gift.

3. Cigarettes

retro christmas gifts - santa camel

These advertising images of Santa puffing cigarettes were incredibly common back in the day, taking a Marlboro Man-like approach and depicting a cultural icon doing what is clearly cool to do – smoke cigarettes. Cookies and milk? Throw some Camels on that plate for Santa! You definitely won’t see anything like this nowadays, which brings me to the next item on our 1950’s wish list.

4. Guns

retro christmas gifts daisy shotguns

For the whole family! It’s hard to know where to begin when considering what is wrong with this Daisy Manufacturing ad, but we shall take it as a reminder that times were awfully different back then, since Daisy was not the only brand trying to push guns for Christmas. Lastly, we’ll shift to a much less horrifying but way more embarrassing holiday gift that has unfortunately stood the test of time because I know (first-hand) that plenty of families that still do this.

5. Matching PJ’s

retro christmas gifts weldon pajamas

Just some good, clean, fashionable family Christmas fun. I like this Weldon ad because it makes me picture myself in matching jammies with my Dad, and that’s a pretty awesome mental image.

While you may have returned your can opener, your gun, or your matching sleepwear, these were the hot ticket items back in the day. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, with minimal gift returns and a whole lot of family fun!