A Moment of Marketing Clarity: Adapt or Perish in Digital Marketing

It seems like every day, something else is being declared “dead,” and another digital marketing tool bites the dust. Then suddenly, it’s back, miraculously revived, and absolutely no one saw it coming – except for everyone who has seen this happen before, again and again and again. These constant changes in digital marketing might seem like life or death when the weight of your brand’s digital efforts rests on your shoulders, but I assure you, it’s not.

What these changes do require, however, is adaptation. Rarely does a digital marketing tool become entirely obsolete, rather the strategy behind it that worked for a while is no longer the best approach. The latest tool on the chopping block is SEO. With Google and other search engines constantly updating their algorithms, a little uncertainty around the staying power of SEO is understandable. For about 0.0001 seconds.

Another testament to the power of SEO is not necessary, but bear with me for a moment. Nearly 90% of people today use a search engine, and 78% of them are looking to make a purchase. It sounds like SEO is alive and kicking to me. No marketer in his or her right mind would throw those odds out the window, but not adapting to the changing SEO landscape is almost as detrimental as not practicing it at all.

Just imagine – if we didn’t adapt to changes in digital marketing, your Facebook page would still look like this.

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