rise of hand drawn fonts

The Rise of Hand-Drawn Fonts

Personally, I am a big fan of custom creation. So I am happy to see the current trend of brands using hand-drawn fonts in their branding and advertising. I have always said that if you have the opportunity to create a custom photo or illustration for an advertising piece, you should go for it. It is a great way for a brand to create a unique look and feel for their marketing and stand out from the competition. You can own it.

The same goes for fonts. If you can use a font face that is yours alone and not used by thousands of others, you have found one more way to differentiate yourself. There are not a lot of destination and tourism brands that go down this route. Any museum, historical attraction, or travel brand that creates their own font will be ahead of the game.

This trend has found its way into logo design, advertising, posters, and even websites. Take a look at some examples below for a range of products, places and services using this approach. And drop us a line if you think hand-drawn fonts would be a good fit for your next campaign.

rise of hand drawn fonts

Heritage Museums & Gardens Print Ad by Mascola Group


rise of hand drawn fonts - converse

Illustrated Poster for Converse by Chris Piascik. (chrispiascik.com)


rise of hand drawn fonts - nuts

Nuts.com branding and packaging by Michael Beirut


rise of hand drawn fonts - down east

Down East Magazine Cover by Angela Southern

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